Organizational leadership requires a growth mindset that can be difficult to materialize. While thinking ambitiously about the future of your company may come naturally, finding ways to turn your dreams into tangible objectives is a challenge that halts many leaders in their steps.

The inability to project ideas into practical steps often lead to limited engagement and poor connection with essential teams. Your board must be kept in the loop, but that comes from more than just a basic understanding. They need to equally feel impassioned by your mission, which requires active efforts rather than passive expectations. 

Learn how to have more effective and engaged board meetings with these tips.


Recruit for Objectives, Not Roles

Some enterprises construct boards that have all the essential personnel but no real direction. Before you hire someone to have them on your board, examine your needs and objectives. Hire the people who are necessary to achieve, not who are there to fill in a space that you think is necessary.

Diversity is key, so find individuals who will bring interesting backgrounds and new opinions to the team rather than a collection of yes-men who promote one-track thinking. Make sure, that they have already experience in areas that are crucial for the future of your company.


Have Clear Tasks

Speaking in generalized terms will ultimately cause board members to deviate from the group. Every individual has a unique role, but they must all share a cohesive vision. When you introduce big picture ideas, make sure you provide the board with the relevant context information that allows them to contribute in a relevant way.


Encourage Activism

Board members shouldn’t definitely be an audience; they are active members of an organization who should take part in the meetings, contribute ideas, propose solutions and provide feedback. Listen to them as often as possible and find ways to engage with them outside of meetings.

You should also include them on websites, advertising and other materials as it is appropriate to create a deep sense of inclusivity and encourage greater involvement. 


Create Opportunity

If board members aren’t given any way to contribute meaningfully, then they are likely to leave. Find ways to keep each member involved and give them a reason to stay. Establish a pipeline that helps drive volunteers into professional leadership roles; growth should not be focused solely on your benefit. When members feel like their efforts are not only noticed but contributing to their growth, they are more likely to bring their best ideas to the table.

You will probably require professional assistance to build a high impact board and to really engage the board members. Specialized companies like Advisory Board Architects can help you achieve this. In family businesses, the transition periods between generations may be a great moment to reconsider the members of your board and to add independent board members.